Sucess Story

/Serge Ferrari Group: 25% Revenue Growth with Strategic Talent Acquisition





Key Points
  • From its beginnings, international markets have been a key element of growth for the SergeFerrari Group. The company’s innovative composite materials are used by architects, designers, and research agencies worldwide.
  • For more than 16 years, the company has relied on Altios for its international development.
  • To further expand its international business, the company foresaw the high-growth markets of India and Australia as new opportunities for its unique composite materials.
  • In 2015, the company decided to accelerate its international activities and increase its export sales. With revenue at €148 million in 2015, the Group wanted to increase revenue by 25 per cent by 2018.
  • The growth strategy meant doubling the number of international sales representatives from 80 to 160.

  • In conjunction with talent acquisition, the SergeFerrari Group began working on a project to increase its production capabilities with the construction of added manufacturing systems and further development of the company’s innovation centre.

  • To meet its objectives, the SergeFerrari Group leveraged Altois’ expertise in worldwide talent acquisition, in addition to its administrative support and legal knowledge in diverse markets.

  • In 2018, the SergeFerrari Group reached €185 million in revenue, a 25 % increase over its reported 2014 income.

  • Going forward, the Group foresees a continued partnership with Altios as it looks at new global market opportunities for its innovative materials.

Learn more about Serge Ferrari Group:

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