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/HR regulations in Poland

HR reforms in Poland
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HR regulations change in Poland

After several tax changes for 2023, Poland updates HR regulations as well.

Business trips

There will be a new per diem rate for business trips as of 1 January 2023. As a consequence, the lump sums for transport travel expenses and for overnight stays will also change.

  • a per diem for a business trip – PLN 45
  • lump sum to cover the costs of travelling by public transport – PLN 9
  • lump sum for an overnight stay – PLN 67.5
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Employee Capital Plans

If an employee does not wish to save in a PPK, then they must, once again, submit a written declaration resigning from the scheme to the employer. If the employee does not make such a declaration, the employer will have to start making contributions for that employee from April 1st, 2023.

Labour Law (should take effect in Q1 2023)

  • The concept of remote working – will be agreed upon between the employer and the employee and included in the remote working regulations
  • Legal grounds for employers to carry out preventive checks for the presence of alcohol or substances acting similarly to alcohol in the bodies of their employees
  • Measures enabling greater use of flexible working arrangements
  • Changes to parental leave and maternity benefits
  • New rules on paternity leave
  • New carer’s leave and leave of absence for urgent family reasons

For more content about reforms in Poland: click here

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